three horrible proms part I
eric just had a prom at law school yesterday. a law school prom? proms in high school were harrowing enough. and yet there is such a thing as a law school prom. vassar had proms too. in the dining hall. i never went. basically i never wanted to go to one in high school either, but instead i have stories to tell you that will provide plenty of fodder for entertainment.
1st prom. i was a junior and one of my closest female friends, karoline, was dating my other friend zak. long story short, he cheated on her, she found out, i was caught in the middle and felt like crap since i introduced them etc, but i ended up going to her prom in lieu of zak (she is a year older than me, and now happily married too to an awesome architect in houston, little fyi.) anyway so we went to her prom. but she hated her school and hated all her classmates, so there we were, not really being social, and under this whole replacement-date kinda thing, we tried dancing a bit (and if you think i’m a bad dancer now, then you have no idea how many left feet i had at age 17), and it basically was bizarre. she had a limo all rented out, so after that we went to karoline’s comedy club in nyc (convenient name) and that was pretty funny, and took the limo all the way back up to chappaqua to her family’s house where she slept upstairs and i slept downstairs. i felt really bad and at times the evening may have been quite awkward, but in retrospect, it was probably the most successful prom i had, as i got to spend the evening with a wonderful friend and there were no major disasters like the following year...
this is us in karoline's parents' house. note the chuck close print of clinton in the far left. ironically the clintons moved in down the street a few years later. karoline looks really pretty.

this is us dancing on her lawn. much better than later that night

you stud... dont dwaddle on keeping the stories coming.
sadly, not too much to report on law school prom. lots of people and not a lot of alcohol does not make for any notable stories.
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