Tuesday, April 25, 2006

standing room only

I just read an article on the NYTimes that said some airlines are thinking about creating standing room only "seats". Here's what was said:

“Airbus has been quietly pitching the standing-room-only option to Asian carriers, though none have agreed to it yet. Passengers in the standing section would be propped against a padded backboard, held in place with a harness, according to experts who have seen a proposal.”

I personally think it is a great idea. I pretty much feel like a side of beef in an airplane anyway, so might as well push the idea to the max. If I could stand on the subway for 60 minutes on the way home from high school, with all the stopping and starting, I could certainly stand for an hour flight from DC to NY.

It would be great if standing room seats were substantially cheaper. I’d sure prefer flying for an hour standing up for 50 bucks than sit on Amtrak for 3.5 hours for 100 bucks. I think the strapping in is kind of a strange idea, but hey, it might be more comfortable than getting smushed into a small seat. And as a smaller man, I can only imagine how bigger people feel.

So there you have it folks, a sign of things to come in this over-populated world. As a closing note, why do people feel flying is a privilege? If you can’t afford it, just like everything else, don’t do it.


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