Three horrible proms part II
this one is worse. way way way way worse. probably the worst prom i’ll ever experience. and one of those nights that provides fodder for prodding and teasing to this day.
so i didn’t really want to go to prom. i didn’t want to go the year before, and then ended up with karoline at hers. and i certainly didn’t want to go to my own prom. BUT this girl at my school kept on asking me to go, and i kept on saying no, and everyone thought i was nuts because she was probably the most beautiful girl in the school (israeli model). her name was adi noyman, which was also a little weird for me cause my sister’s name is adi. so anyway, eventually i agreed to go to the prom with her and she was happy.
so in the limo on the way to the prom we all drank all the alcohol in the car and got a bit wasted. adi got really wasted. my birthday was the next day (18th birthday) and she had been kidding (or serious?) about how fun it would be to lose my virginity both on prom night and on my 18th birthday. and now you’re thinking, how the fuck can yaniv screw this up? well, after the lame-ass prom most of the people were heading over to amanda’s apartment for an afterparty. BUT for some STUPID reason i wanted to go to a club with some other friends, since i had never been to a club. WHY? i don’t know. adi didn’t want to go, so i told her i’d meet her in a little bit at amanda’s. needless to say, when you’re a bit drunk and waiting in lines and not getting in to clubs because you’re eighteen and then one of the girls you’re with loses her wallet and you have to retrace all your steps and for some reason you don’t hear your cell phone ringing to tell you to get your ass to the party because adi is waiting for you and you get ther way later, you could call the night a royal fuckup. especially if by the time you get to the party, the israeli model who wanted to see you had just left with someone else, crying because she thought i had ditched her. which i unintentionally had. the one and only person i have ever ditched in my life was an incredibly beautiful and fun girl on prom night who may have even wanted to have the pleasure (?) of taking my virginity. I TOLD YOU I DIDN’T WANT TO GO TO PROM! oy. and i ended up sleeping on a friend’s couch and that was not so fun. it was depressing. and the next day trying to profusely apologize to Adi. she joined my family for my big birthday dinner party thing, but i don’t think things were ever really the same between us. wow. i sound even more stupid and pathetic having written this down. go ahead and join in and make fun.
this is what adi looked like as a model

this is what we looked like at prom night (drunk a bit?)

and this is my greatest moment. graduating from high school with a chanel model on one side and a kenneth cole model on the other (adi was at the time plastered all over nyc as a kenneth cole girl. and they had this whole dirty sexy thing going on so i'd sit down on the subway and look up and there she was spreading her legs and i'm like "do i need this?")

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