Wednesday, May 17, 2006

two types of people volume I

i need to take a break from work for a few minutes and i've been thinking about putting a post like this up for a while, and eric i'm sure will be able to continue with a volume II, and other submissions are most welcome.

in our relentless effort to categorize, i think it is only fair that the majority of people are either of one type or another. so the following is a list of types, and see if you agree with me.

there are two types of people.
people who talk loudly on their cell phones, people who don't.
people who leave the toilet seat up, people who put it down.
people who are dumped, people who are the dumpers.
people who shit, people who don't.
people who talk during movies, people who don't.
people who do their dishes, people who don't.
people who clean their rooms, people who don't.
people who can jump, people who can't.
people who return phone calls, people who don't know what that means.
people who are good drunks, people that aren't.
people who read our blog, people who don't.
(i'm wondering if grammatically these all should be people "that", not people "who"... someone wanna get on my case about this?)
people who give a shit about grammar, people who don't.
people who use the word "whom" and "were" for the subjunctive, and people who don't.

that's long enough. gonna get back to work.


At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think "who" is appropriate, though we can consult strunk and white (illustrated) for the final word.

when you post categories, you should tell us which one you fall into...such as:

People who need their beauty rest, people who can function on very little sleep. (i'm the former)
People who do their work ahead of time, people who wait until the last minute. (i'm the former)
People who fart loudly, people who fart silently (but deadly...). (no comment)
People who need a full-length mirror in their room, people who don't. (i'm the former)
People who nap, people who don't. (i'm the latter)

also, i'm an inherently loud cell phone talker, but i tone it down in public. i've dumped and been dumped so there goes that theory. yaniv cleans my room, but i would if he didn't.


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